Monday, 11 April 2011

Regional Shout-Outs and Show Casing

Well we reached over 100 likes, thanks to all who has liked us so far!! 

As promised we have started our regional shout-outs and showcasing, each day I will post an area on our facebook page wall and people from that area who comment will get a special showcase shout-out :)

They will also be published in our blog, on twitter and my personal FB page, just to get the message out there that there are some amazing businesses across the UK!

If everyone could pass on the details of our website or knows someone in the area being showcased that would be fantastic, the more people know who we are the more potential customers we will have for your businesses!

After this blog posting I will post another with yesterdays showcased businesses, make sure to take a look :)

You can find more information here:

Also everyone who answered Yes to our question on FB yesterday will be added to our local business directory today! Thanks to you all for your interest, it's your businesses and involvement that makes this community grow :)

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